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>Admit it - you were sleeping. Was it for years? Now you're awake again.

Good lord. I love Nirvana but the differences between all these mixes are minor and barely noticeable unless you're swapping back and forth. Kurt would hate this shit.

The differences aren't minor at all to me! They are everything - almost everything that makes Nirvana special, distinct, is at its peak, beyond any other musicians (that I've heard), beyond human capacity it seems, in the live performance and is only an idea in the studio music - which aren't worth listening to, IMHO, and I almost never have since I discovered Nirvana. All the signals were there of a great live band - the cultish following, the reputation, the emotional energy in the music.

I originally wrote something in the rude, direct, challenging nature of that subculture, but in this one I'll just say: Let it in, past your defenses, and it will activate nerves and neurons and biochemicals you forgot were in living.

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