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My CDs burned in 1998 still read totally fine. TFA and your comment is, I think, what shall eventually make me move to BluRay. Any model/brand of writer/discs to recommend? (Linux here FWIW)

EDIT: btw ofc all my pressed audio CDs all work just fine. My car for whatever reason, although semi-recent, still has a CD reader and I was listening to some Ennio Morricone CD in the car 10 minutes ago!

For newer stuff, I have an ancient 5-7? years-old external LG BLuray/MDisc drive, and use Verbatim media. Can't speak to their longevity so definitively. They are working fine after three years. I also have a few TB external backup drive for additional-copy and rapid-access to the same data. I take an optical disc to a relative's house once a year.

Multiple copies, multiple formats, multiple locations, is the key to back up.

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