If anybody is currently doing anything on the Scheme/Clojure side of things
around databases, or PL. I'd be interested.
These are longer term goals I have, my shorter term goals are focused on a lot of reading to prepare to start to tackle those things in the future.
Mostly I'd like to build toy projects of stuff we use every day, but from a good starting place, "the right way", not something hacked together over a weekend, but to learn the details that went into them.
Not interested in building another project with another library, but more so writing libraries.
These are longer term goals I have, my shorter term goals are focused on a lot of reading to prepare to start to tackle those things in the future.
Mostly I'd like to build toy projects of stuff we use every day, but from a good starting place, "the right way", not something hacked together over a weekend, but to learn the details that went into them.
Not interested in building another project with another library, but more so writing libraries.