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This exploit chain illustrates how once you have obtained a memory corruption primitive it is very hard to prevent full compromise. This makes it more important than ever to limit the ability of attackers to acquire memory corruption primitives.

The best hope for legacy C and C++ code right now is a combination of extensive fuzzing and dynamic analysis to detect as many memory corruption bugs as you can, plus mitigations in CPUs and compilers to make it harder to turn memory corruption bugs into malicious execution, plus sandboxing to limit the damage of malicious execution. This exploit chain demonstrates techniques to bypass that entire mitigation stage (and also shows that Apple severely bungled their sandbox design).

This doesn't bode well for the mitigation approach. They add significant complexity to the silicon and software stack, which has a cost in performance, but also ultimately security --- at some point we will see these mitigations themselves contributing to attack vectors. In return they make exploitation a lot more difficult, but mitigation bypass techniques can often be packaged and reused. For example stack overflow techniques have been effectively mitigated but that doesn't matter to attackers these days, who are now very good at using heap overflow and UAF. Meanwhile those stack overflow mitigations (stack cookies etc) still have to remain in place, making our systems more complex and slower.

For this specific work, any mitigation is much worse than just solving the problem correctly.

The WUFFS code to do this sort of stuff (parse file data, turn it into an array of RGB pixel values) is not only inherently safe, it's also typically faster than you'd write in C or C++ because the safety gives programmers that fearlessness Rust talks about for concurrency. The language is going to catch you every single time you fall, so, you get completely comfortable doing ludicrous acrobatics knowing worst case is a compiler diagnostic or a unit test fails and try again. When you have a hidden array overflow in C++ it's Undefined Behaviour, when you have a hidden array overflow in (safe) Rust it's a runtime Panic, when you have a hidden array overflow in WUFFS that's not a valid WUFFS program, it will not compile now it's not so hidden any more.

So you're right, this doesn't bode well for mitigation - the answer isn't "more complex and slower" but "use the correct tools".

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