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> Encryption has no middle man and is free.

Exactly. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Isn't it?

Like cryptocurrencies, that is also free and there is no middle man since you can send money directly from one wallet to another. ie. peer-to-peer. It is so 'free', even terrorists, extremists, hitmen and other undesirables can use it as well as they can generally use encrypted communications.

Hence that, so should it all be banned; yes or no?

> A good start would be instigating peace and not war. Stop having the US fight these proxy resource wars by destabilizing them and trying to put in our puppet leaders.

So your answer towards those people who are affected in countries like Ukraine or Afghanistan' is basically 'nothing'. They are just pawns used in a political chess game of sanctions and everyone affected over there suffers for that. That is 'fair?' isn't it /s

Either way, it is all quite easy to say what you said at the comfort of your armchair at your computer screen right?

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