"Without that, Reader Mode would look for the first HTML element that contained the string "author", assume its content was the name of the author of the article, and make it a byline right below the title. Of course the element it picked was a section header, with the content "Completing an authorization"."
Why would a section header in your article contain "author" if you didn't mean for it to designate who the author of the article was?
or something like that in the enclosing element, so it's not that they're inferring metadata from unstructured content - it's that they're drawing bad inferences from the metadata provided.
That said, inferring metadata from unstructured content is literally the whole goal of Reader mode - to make pages more readable even if the original source didn't design it to be - so while this particular bug is avoidable, others may not be.
Why would a section header in your article contain "author" if you didn't mean for it to designate who the author of the article was?