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Porting the Slint UI Toolkit to a Microcontroller with 264K RAM (slint-ui.com)
17 points by tronical on March 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

It is hard to consider anything ported when interrupts and DMA remain out of reach. This article describes only the trivial parts of porting.

It would have been better to get those working and then publish.

Also, sorting display objects when rendering seems pointless considering the small number of objects that could possibly be on there. If there are layers it would be better to keep them on separate lists. (It was not clear which direction is "y". Is that toward top of screen, or bottom, or does it mean a layer?)

That said, I will always upvote microcontroller project reports, and will look forward to the rest.

Nice demonstration. IIRC the Slint core is a runtime with a graphical backend which can be varied. I assume their UI markup compiler (IIRC) still runs non-self-hosted.


Now includes BSOD!

> We used our Slint blue color as a background. Any resemblance with crash screens that you may have seen in other operating systems is purely coincidental.

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