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I don't think one requires ADHD and/or short-term memory issues to struggle with serializing their internal state verbally without disrupting said internal state when it's sufficiently broad and deep in complexity.

This is literally the problem with interruptions and open-office floor plans for knowledge workers. There's no effing way we're all ADHD-addled goldfish. Decades ago my senior cube-mate liked to tell non-engineers who walked into our cube asking questions unannounced: "like I tell my wife, we're in here balancing a stack of plates in our heads, and you just walked in here and knocked them all down."

You're right about it being a house of cards, and the industry isn't doing us any favors selecting for people who can chat about it vs. arrange the metaphorical cards high and get the hard things done.

combining serializing their internal state verbally without disrupting said internal state when it's sufficiently broad and deep in complexity.

I struggle with this during technical interviews. I can't think deeply and explain what I'm doing at the same time. Since talking is required it means that I can't think.

Yeah, I try not to interrupt candidates unless they clearly misunderstood the problem and are building something that doesn’t show their expertise but they think I want. I voted hire on a guy who worked silently for over half an hour and ended up with a good solution, though it’s a little more persuasive for a candidate to offer more signals in case the final code doesn’t come out right.

Quick "QQ" Question, Pummeler of Productivity, Destroyer of Deep Thought, Harbinger of Headaches. In more crass circles, "Flow Fucker."

You’re correct. People with ADHD have many of the same problems as non-ADHD people have. An open office is difficult for anyone to concentrate in.

The difference is the matter of degree.

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