Man, reading your comment, my first guess is that you are single and unemployed.
I mean, yeah, okay, that's harsh. but yeah, I also thought that women mostly cared about money... until I gained some experience in the matter. I also thought that people worked hard at large corporations as a matter of course; again, I was disabused of the notion after gaining some experience.
Really, at large corporations? the way to get by is to be good enough that nobody wants to be mean to you (because you might leave and then nobody would be able to do your work) and to not work too hard.
That's how people who are really good at large corporations are compensated. They don't fuck with you and they don't expect a whole lot of work.
who works hard at a large corporation? that's like joining a startup for the job security.
But, you know what? small companies also have drama. At small corporations, if anything, it's harder to avoid the drama. Today is going to be dedicated, mostly, to dealing with drama within my company, oh, and drama it is. Yeah, there's less paperwork when a small company wants to fire someone, but it can still be a really big deal; the work still needs to get done, so I can't solve the drama that way.
"Single"? I was married for years and then she died. I'm not going to get married again.
"Unemployed"? I'm an entrepreneur, not an 'employee'. I've been an employee of several large organizations, all very well known. At one, it was a startup but now is very well known.
Big organizations mostly don't need to get the work done and, thus, usually don't. They mostly don't need to get the work done because the organization has so much momentum that it can get by for years mostly not getting much work done. Getting the work done is not valued. Actually, about the work, next to nothing is valued. Indeed, anyone who tries to do very much becomes a threat to the rest.
People make progress via 'goal subordination', e.g.. forming coalitions that agree to occupy the high end of the ship as the other end sinks.
Large business organizations in the US are dinosaurs on the way to extinction.
The only reasonably promising path to financial security in the US is money in the bank from profits from being an entrepreneur. In particular, it is better to have an electrician's license and be an electrician sole proprietor entrepreneur than to have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and try to work for a large organization.
The big, huge opportunity is exploiting Moore's law, the Internet, cheap storage, the ocean of good infrastructure software, and more as a base to deliver valuable, new information to all the world.
On women, you can believe me now or encounter disasters and believe me later.
Broadly, in the more industrialized countries, the data is overwhelming: Women are grand disasters on the way to extinction. Literally. No doubt. Exactly. Period. E.g., at Wikipedia, read that currently, on average, each women in Finland is having just 1.5 children. Finland did well beating Sweden, the Soviets, and Germany but is losing out to their women. At 1.5 children per woman, Finland is rapidly on the way to extinction.
F'get about Finland: The number of children per woman in all the more industrialized countries is too low to keep up the population.
Net, the women are distracted from concentrating on having children and, thus, are on the way to extinction.
In the past, the women had plenty of children whether they really wanted to or not. Now they have some choices so don't have enough children not to be weak, sick, or dead limbs on the tree.
Beyond just children, on average the women are grand disasters at forming stable family units. The situation is very much as in the movie 'The Godfather, Part II' where Michael asks his mother if it is possible to lose one's family. His mother says, "You can never lose your family". Well, Michael's father Vito didn't have to worry about that, but Michael did have to worry about it and did lose his family. Michael said, "Times have changed". He was correct about one of the biggest issues in all of the more advanced countries.
So, Vito's wife had a walk-up, cold water flat, likely far too cold, in NYC, and near rags for clothes, and next to nothing else, had three sons and a daughter, and continued to play a solid role in the family for life. Michael's wife had the best luxuries in all of history, two children, aborted a third, and just HATED her husband and marriage and ran away from her marriage. BUMMER. And that has been the story USUALLY not just in that movie but all across the US and all the more developed countries for several decades now.
So, the women are going extinct. If anything is left, necessarily it will be women who are GOOD at being strong limbs on the tree, almost surely GOOD at being wives and mothers. Thus, in the more developed countries, humans are now in by far the fastest and largest change in the human gene pool of at least the last 40,000 years when, say, the genes of Western Europe split from those of Asia and the Americas.
So, it's both large business organizations and women that are going extinct in the US.
So, a man who wants financial security needs to be a successful entrepreneur. Then if he wants a strong family, he needs to make some very special efforts to 'guide' the situation, at least day by day, often hour by hour.
Right: Being an employee in a large organization sucks. And being a husband of the usual woman sucks.
'Feminism' is mostly just the ideology for an excuse for being a weak, sick, or dead limb on the tree. It's not new but goes way back, through women's movements for many decades and to Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew'. Now that ideology is on the way to being extinct.
So, young men: Avoid what is going extinct. Avoid being an employee in a large organization and be an entrepreneur instead. When forming a family, avoid any hint of 'feminism' and be very much in control, often hour by hour.
I mean, yeah, okay, that's harsh. but yeah, I also thought that women mostly cared about money... until I gained some experience in the matter. I also thought that people worked hard at large corporations as a matter of course; again, I was disabused of the notion after gaining some experience.
Really, at large corporations? the way to get by is to be good enough that nobody wants to be mean to you (because you might leave and then nobody would be able to do your work) and to not work too hard.
That's how people who are really good at large corporations are compensated. They don't fuck with you and they don't expect a whole lot of work.
who works hard at a large corporation? that's like joining a startup for the job security.
But, you know what? small companies also have drama. At small corporations, if anything, it's harder to avoid the drama. Today is going to be dedicated, mostly, to dealing with drama within my company, oh, and drama it is. Yeah, there's less paperwork when a small company wants to fire someone, but it can still be a really big deal; the work still needs to get done, so I can't solve the drama that way.