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For a sec there I thought the Turing test was passed...

I'll bet Jack Dongarra could pass the Turing Test as well! What can't he do?

Well there is a prize for passing the test. I know, pretty naive of me.

I mean, the prize for passing the actual practical test is now you're a person.

I like being a person, but seems like some people I know don't so much, so maybe whether this is a good prize is a matter of opinion.

But yes people have offered prizes for numerous toy protocols similar to Alan Turing's "parlour game" idea, many Cognitive Scientists doubt this is an effective protocol for testing personhood, not all of them in ways I agree with (e.g. Professor Harnad and I disagree vehemently about whether his big-T test is necessary) but clearly at some level "passing" as a person is satisfactory because that's all everybody else is doing.

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