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> While the actions go afoul of US law

LMAO, surely you jest! The US is one of the most corrupt societies in the world. Where else is it not only accepted practice, but enshrined in law with "money is speech".

Please see https://www.fec.gov/ (BWAWAAHAHAHHAH, this is an government website listing bribes... they don't even have to hide it!). See also, https://opensecrets.org/.

Money is speech. There is no way around it.

Even in the most unfree society in the world you can go in your shower and whisper anything you want. Nobody will know you said anything though so it won't do anything. To make a difference in a society as large as the US you need a lot of money to pay for things. You can print and mail flyers (money for paper, printing, and postage), you can take out ads on prime time TV... It all comes down to money is needed to make your message get someplace. There for limiting money is limiting speech.

If limiting money is limiting speech, why is Microsoft in trouble here, and why can't I bribe a cop to let me off the hook for speeding?

You know damn well that limiting speech is normal and accepted everywhere (eg. hate speech or crying "Fire!" in a theatre). But somehow, the rich have convinced Americans that their speech can't be limited. That their bribery ought to be legal.

I place strict scrutiny on limits to speech. I don't limit hate speech even though I disagree with it. Even fire is only limited to ways that cause a stampede

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