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All I can say is that I hope we did not lose a visionary due to a reliance on alternative medicine.

Don't look at things in a negative way. Should this be true I'd prefer to believe that it was because of his alternative vision on life that he was capable of producing such innovative product lines.

No "alternative" way of thinking in medicine == no "alternative" way of thinking in life.

(Obviously just one point of view to consider)

... because conventional medicine has cured pancreatic cancer.

It very likely would have cured his particular form of it.

...he had a liver transplant. I hardly think you can say he 'avoided' conventional medicine...

No, he didn't avoid it, but according to the article, he also didn't avail himself of it until it was clear to him that his "alternative therapy" was not having an appreciable effect. The delay in effective treatment incurred by this poor judgment could easily have cost him his life, or at least prevented him from enjoying several more years of relative comfort.

The article suggests he avoided doing it until it was obvious his body was failing; this removing any advantage that early detection brought him.

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