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BBC's obituary for Steve Jobs (bbc.co.uk)
196 points by neilbowers on Oct 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

"Unlike his contemporary, Microsoft's Bill Gates, Steve Jobs showed little inclination to use his personal wealth for philanthropic purposes."

I think this is completely unfair.

From what I have heard he did a great deal of philanthropy anonymously. This would fit with his character and his buddhism.

Add the writing about him not caring about the environment (even though every damn product has an environmental scorecard) tells me this article is a crock.

I guess Greenpeace is the ultimate decider of environmental caring, and everyone needs to stand on the roof and announce their charitable works. The private life well lived is not good enough for the BBC.

Pretty opinionated obit overall. It's strange how they connected Buddhism with [Greenpeace-style] environmentalism.

Steve's life in pictures that they are also running is worth looking at too.


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