Making way to many "x is good because it is similar to Napster" arguments. He seems to be measuring anything against Napster or some artificial Napster of his mind (how it hypothetically could have evolved). Kinda stuck in the past.
I really wonder if he speaks like this IRL too. I had a pretty high impression of Parker till now, but if he can't say a good thing about Spotify without talking about how he did or thought about doing everything in Napster first ..
No, he is not anything like this letter in real life. He is happy to have wide ranging conversations without reference to his own history or accomplishments. I suppose that in the letter he was trying to establish credibility and rapport with the Spotify guys. It certainly worked out well for both of them in the end.
"Blah blah CONGRATS!!! blah blah blah Facebook. Blah blah Zuck. Blah blah blah napster, blah blah blah napster, blah blah blah CONGRATS! Blah blah blah napster."