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Type II Fun – fun only in retrospect, hateful while it’s happening (kellycordes.com)
4 points by skoocda on March 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Is type 2 fun a good idea? I haven't been able to decide for myself. I'm never sure whether doing these sorts of things has actually been a good use of my time. It probably helps me grow or something, but God does it suck a lot of the time.

I think type 2 fun makes for the best stories. So, if you tell those stories and many people enjoy them, then from a utilitarian standpoint, it could certainly be a good idea!

Another theory: type 1 is fun now, type 2 is fun in hindsight, type 3 seems like it would be fun looking forward but turns out to be awful.

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