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My point isn't to get into a debate about metaphysics. I only emphasized that to head off the usual sorts of criticisms that get flung at someone who points out (correctly) that psychosomatic illness is a real thing. Symptoms caused by the mind are still real symptoms. They just aren't caused by a virus.

Also, the existence of a treatment no more implies the existence of a physical mechanism than the existence of a placebo implies the existence of magic. Every illness is a mixture of biological and psychological factors, and simply feeling like someone is caring for you can cure even intransigent symptoms.

Is Covid causing depression? Nobody knows. But leaping to the conclusion that it is -- and therefore we must do X,Y or Z in response -- is irresponsible when there's a more parsimonious explanation: people have have just lived through a mass cultural event that is causing a great deal of depression, everywhere.

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