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Then go ahead and mask and enjoy yourself. No one will stop you.

> No one will stop you.

In direct contradiction to what you say, there are many businesses in red state US who will stop you from wearing a mask if you try to enter.

Will "stop you from wearing a mask"? Doubt it. That's assault.

Or "stop you if you try to enter while wearing a mask"?

Or are you talking about wearing a ski mask inside Idaho Regional Credit Union in July?

Jerks are everywhere. And they exist in blue states too my friend.

I’ll need some supporting evidence, this sounds hyperbolic.

I live in a red state and have not seen this anywhere.

In fact my state encourages you to do what you want, including wearing a mask or refusing to do so. Nobody will bother you if you are masked.

No one will stop me from doing anything I damn well please. GP claimed that not "a single person" enjoys wearing masks.

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