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>Self-reported symptoms of the disease persisted for 1 to 2 months after initial diagnosis in up to 13% of patients; 4.5% experienced symptoms beyond 2 months, and 2.6% for 3 months or longer, according to mobile app data from U.K., U.S., and Swedish populations.

>In potentially more reliable clinic-based assessments, 33% to 98% of survivors have symptoms or complications for at least a month.


This doesn’t really answer the question either. The severity sought is absent. The bigger issue though is self-reported symptoms of disease are present in over 50% of people who never had the disease, in other similar studies.

Clinic-based symptoms or complications for at least a month means those individuals were monitored for at least a month, which leaves out everyone I know who had it and lived.

That doesn't mean anything. I had a bad cold back in early 2019 and some symptoms persisted for more than a month. So what.

> Self-reported

And how many of them were in a dire need of attention?

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