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I think people are underestimating the sheer magnitude and infectiousness of this virus. Even if chances of longer effects are on par with the flu, it's MUCH more prevalent and infectious. Over the past year, we've had about one wave per season. We're quickly reaching a point where it's reasonable to expect most people will catch it every year or so, and it's entirely possible and maybe likely to get it multiple times a year.

While 3-6 months is a standard recovery timeline for longer term effects, many people are looking at years or a lifetime of serious effects. I'm close to someone who is still recovering from mono over 2 years later. Their entire life has been upended, their career is over, and most of their passions are now physically impossible.

We're looking at many millions of people of people being temporarily or permanently disabled every year on top of previous contributors like flu, etc. Many people don't have the resources to be exhausted and struggling with cognition for months. How many billions of years of life will collectively be deleted over the coming years? I believe this is worse than we realize, and it's going to get worse sooner than we're ready for.

Successive infections are generally weaker, just as infections after vaccination.

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