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I’ve been fortunate that I haven’t had Covid, but 3 of my siblings have (I mainly attribute that to my living in a state that took the pandemic seriously while they live in Republican states that thrive on Faux News). All three of them have had long Covid ranging from rapid severe weight gain to still not being able to smell or taste anything more than a year after being infected. I am vaccinated and boosted, but I am still masking up and social distancing because even the vaccinated can develop long Covid.

I haven't heard weight gain was related to long covid. If anything lack of smell would push one in the other direction no?

Could this just be due to being indoors and quarantine.

And all my friends in Austin resumed their normal fun lives a while ago, and all of them I know that got covid have recovered perfectly fine. Funny how anecdotes work. Statistically, living in a blue state vs a red state didn’t protect anyone from covid.

Whether or not you lived in a red state or a blue state definitely affected the death rates due to Covid post-vaccine.


Ya, vaccines make it less deadly, that’s not new news. But you’re asserting that yin didn’t get covid because you live in a blue state, and that’s demonstrably false.

I made no such claim . . . .

The video explains in detail exactly what I was referring to . . . .

My state had almost no restrictions, the quality of life is a trade off I welcome.

I had it in Feb 2020 before it really took off, and I recovered just fine. The reality is that we don’t have the medical technology to stop it. It’s here to stay.

My quality of life has been just fine (frankly my mental health is better now than it was prior to March 2020). Yet, I haven’t had so much as a cold in all of that time, which is fantastic.

If restrictions don’t effect your quality of life then good for you, but that’s clearly not true for many many people.

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