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Tends not to require hospitalisation

That's massively understating the effects of vaccination or acquired immunity on hospitalizations for omicron. 3 doses of MRNA are 99% effective, and where it doesn't work there are often other health issues at play.

VE against hospitalization with Delta or Omicron infection after three doses was greater than 99% across the study population. Of the four patients hospitalized with Omicron infections who had received three COVID-19 vaccine doses, all were older than 60 years and had chronic diseases; one had a compromised immune system.


The protection for omicron is not nearly that good, especially now.

GP cited data on vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization. Do you have any corresponding data that omicron hospitalization rate is over 1% among fully vaccinated?

All the data I’ve seen suggests GP’s claim is accurate. https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20220201/hosp...

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