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The mRNA vaccine is not your grandpa's vaccine. This is a new and experimental technology that is not even close to being fully understood. And there is no data on very long term adverse events.

The trial data will not be released by the FDA for another 55 years or so [1]

The J&J Janssen vaccine is a more traditional vaccine and it's not pushed by the media or the governments almost at all.

[1] https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants...

J&J is a viral vector vaccine and it's also a very new tech. Only 6 are approved. 4 for covid, 2 for ebola. It's just a crappy vaccine, that's why it's not being pushed hard.

The inactivated vaccine, which is the actual well established old tech, seems to have worked just as well, or just as poorly, depending on how you percieve the vaccine efficacy.

India used mostly the inactivated vaccine, where nearly a billion people have been vaccinated with it. Apparently, that's just not good enough for several western countries that demand you MUST get an mRNA shot, despite being fully vaccinated by inactivated vaccines that were accepted as effective by the WHO. Clearly purely scientific decisions. /s

It gets even better. Licensed Astrazeneca vaccine that was made in India is not accepted by the EU, only the UK version that's sold under a different label. duh, this is obviously The Science. /s

Most of pharma in the world is manufactured in India, btw. Usually good enough, but for some reason not in a critical emergency such as a pandemic.

Why is that?

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