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Agreed. I've seen some theories that long covid is related to micro blood clots, and some very preliminary studies showing universal improvements from long term anti-coagulants---though I am far from being an expert able to really vet these papers. I know many people slowly get better as well. Anecdotally, my experience was a relatively large step down in cardio, which I have seen slowly improve, however I'm young and relatively healthy.

Are you suggesting that long COVID is related to decrease in cardio, or that your cardio decrease led to the effects of long COVID?

I’m suggesting that my covid led to long covid, which has been characterized as a persistent decrease in cardio capacity. In particular, the worst of it was me gasping for breath after a flight of stairs for about the first month.

Long term anticoagulants will have some nasty side effects.

100%, this is a doctor supervision and recommendation thing. I dug up the researcher talking about it on Twitter (links to pre publish study) https://twitter.com/resiapretorius/status/147616431231823872...

Thanks! And yeah, based on my experiences helping several relatives on anti-coagulant therapy for other reasons (heart problems, clotting), it's really terrible to be on and quite dangerous day to day. Maybe not applicable to someone younger, but the them they literally could never stop either once they started.

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