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>I would still oppose them on basis human rights ground

I hear this as an argument against left and right, but when I ask why it is different from the vaccine requirements for public schools I typically get a "it just is" response. Here's hoping someone might have a better response to why this vaccine is different in that aspect.

> I typically get a "it just is" response.

I doubt that. I couldn't STOP hearing the arguments last year. Not trying to be 'smart', but just believe a minimal effort to understand an opposing view gets you there.

> hoping someone might have a better response

Regarding required vaccines for grade-school kids at public schools in the U.S.:

1. Aren't actually forced. You can opt out in several ways.

2. The diseases they treat have a much higher death/hospitalization and/or transmissibility rate among children.

3. We better understand the diseases they treat.

4. Approvals for vaccines were not given under emergency order.

5. Meet the CDC's pre-2019 definition of 'vaccine'.

6. Side affects are published, well known, and readily available.

That's just off the top of my head. And I assume you and I agree on most things.

I'm pretty sure that the school vaccine mandates are state mandates, not federal mandates.

There are many things that I think are a good idea, but that I oppose the Federal government taking the power to do. I don't object to my state or city taking that same power.

Parent is talking about mask mandates, not vaccine mandates.

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