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Exactly. "What's the big deal?" right?

No, look I’m as happy as the next guy all the mandates are going away but I would be extremely opposed to the social status thing.

Just because someone is willing to wear a mask or get vaccinated during a pandemic does not mean they would be fine with a massive surveillance state. That’s a _crazy_ leap

That's a fair point. I'll engage.

My point on that is the Boiling Frog analogy. [1]

We all brush our teeth (mostly) because we want to preserve their health. And we wish to avoid the pain of abscesses and the dentist's drill.

The government doesn't MANDATE that we brush our teeth.

They have worked hard to make us think that the mandates are not for you but your neighbor, meaning they protect your neighbor from you. But that just isn't the case. We know that the vaccine will not stop infection or spread, and the only useful masks are the ones that will protect you from inhaling the aerosolized infective agent.

So this would come down to personal choice.

What we're seeing on a global scale is an infrastructure being put in place ever so slowly based on shocking and jarring events. Piece by piece. This has been going on since the turn of the 20th century. Maybe earlier.

DO you think the infrastructure being built for vaccine passports is going to be limited to vaccines or travel? If legislation like the PATRIOT act and dark projects like Prism have taught us anything it's that once the foot is in the door it will not retract.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog

Huh? The vaccine passports didn't seem to be much of an infrastructure?

It was a voluntary opt in QR code with pencil and paper back ups that's already disappearing?

They seemed purely convenience focused to me.

Are you this concerned that people need driver's licenses to drive and insurance?

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