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> And with the high transmissibility of the Omicron variant—which often results in milder disease outcomes—many patients may be concerned about developing long COVID.

I have yet to read about anyone concluding that Omicron causes long COVID in vaccinated folks. If they have (or anyone else has) evidence indicating this is likely, I would love to hear it. Even the article doesn't claim this is the case.

Dr. Daniel Griffin on This Week In Virology works with long covid patients and is starting to see the first Omicron induced LC patients coming in. The variant has only been around for a few months, so by definition we won't have as many LC patients from it yet. Research takes time, and we're just starting to see the effects of this strain. We have no reason to be confident that Omicron won't induce LC.

And we have no reason to be confident it will, either.

There hasn't been enough time for anyone to be conclusive, Omicron has only been out for 4 months. Most health professionals expect more long COVID from it. The destruction of cells throughout the body is still happening and patient outcomes are still wildly different because individual health is wildly different. Reinfection also results in worse cases.

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