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I don't see why it has to become less likely for those who care about performance (which major games usually do). Translating DX12 or DX11 into Vulkan has performance overhead, even if you manage to run the game better than on Windows itself (for example Cyberpunk 2077 performs on Linux better than on Windows now). But native releases can perform even better.

And it's probably not always the case that Windows games perform better on Linux through translation than on Windows.

Besides, Wine has to play constant catch up to all kind of NIH stuff that MS will produce. Direct storage is the new one that doesn't have any translation implementation yet. So value of native releases won't disappear.

I play elden ring on windows.. with dxvk/vkd3d dll because they fixed the massive stuttering issue that this console port had on PC. Even on windows this translation layer can give better performance.

> for example Cyberpunk 2077 performs on Linux better than on Windows now

Do you have a link? Everything I found suggest that it's the other way around, but Linux comes close.

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