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> How are you seriously trying to pretend that these policies were the bastions of "progressives and their allies"?

I'm not pretending - it's the truth.

Bull Connor, the Birmingham, AL sheriff famous for firehosing civil rights demonstrators, was a prominent Democrat in AL and was a delegate to five Democratic National Conventions (1948, 1956, 1960, 1964, and 1968). He wasn't the exception - he was the rule.

I know who instituted Jim Crow and how the political alliances of the time worked. (Do you really think that Republicans had political power in Jim Crow south?) I also know who segegated the US military. I also know who wrote "Three generations of imbiciles are enough" in a Supreme Court decision upholding forced sterilization. I've also looked at who voted for and against the various civil rights acts in the 60s. I know that Davis-Bacon was intended to keep poor blacks from moving north and taking jobs from white union members.

In each case, it's Democrats in alliance with Progressives.

That's just for starters.

I note that you haven't bothered to cite anything more than outrage. Feel free to list two things that Repubs have done that compares to the elements of that list.

Republicans at the time weren't saints, but they were considerably better on race issues than Democrats and Progressives. That's why MLK was a republican.

It helps to pay attention instead of parroting dogma. For example, do you know what the "slaves count for 3/5 of a person" clause in the constitution is about and who wanted the number to be 1 and who wanted the number to be 0?

It's a clause for determining the number of representatives that a state gets in the House of Represenatives. The slave states wanted slaves to be counted as 1 while the not-slave states wanted slaves to not count at all. 1 gives the slave states more representatives while 0 gives them less....

Given that, would it be better for the number to be 1 or 0?

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