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I watched "Ronin" and then made the mistake of watching the "Making of..." documentary.

The documentary showed how the foley artists made and added the sound effects for the car chases. It completely ruined the movie for me, as when I'd see the chases the picture in my mind was of the foley artists rattling things in coffee cans, etc.

Working in gamedev the audio team would always share how they did certain sounds on the condition that you never mentioned how outside of the room.

There's nothing more infuriating for the audio team then someone pointing out how an audio was made in a demo only to then have to redo a track because that's all key people can think of when they hear it.

Same with nature documentaries.

Didn’t realise until I watched a making-of, and it blew my mind a bit, that pretty much all noises are added in post. Makes sense I guess as it’s probably hard to get good sound when filming at extreme telephoto or with drones and things.

For example, a foley artist made the sounds of a polar bear playing in the snow by squishing a rubber glove full of cornflower.

Since then all nature docs have felt fake as my brain can’t get over the fact that none of the noises are real. They’re too distracting and it breaks the immersion completely.

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