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I'm curious if the decision to have the Sardaukar speak a different language was made in post-production. The Bashar on Salusa Secundus's lips seem to be forming the English words, with the harsh foreign syllables ADR'd in.


> Ever since I saw Dune (2021) I was interested in the conlangs spoken in the film, including Sardaukar. Cue my surprise however finding out that Sardaukar is not actually a conlang - David J. Peterson (the creator of conlangs in Dune as well as Dothraki and High Valyrian in GoT) said that it was actually just English, but warped and modified by the sound team.

* https://nihilinpeccato.tumblr.com/post/667497212569354240/th...

Peterson has some tweets on Dune, e.g.:

* https://twitter.com/dedalvs/status/1452724546369253376

It's actually english going through a heavy compressor, vowels extended, consonants hardened.


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