A lot of talk here about the types of businesses that normally do .NET work and how they aren't very good to work for, so I figure here's a good place to ask for some advice.
I've been working full time as a .NET dev and doing my degree part time for the last 5 years, graduating next month hopefully around the top of my class. I enjoy .NET, particularly ASP.NET MVC, and my current job has let me have full control over the development workflow, I use TDD,Git,MVC,Jquery etc. Looking at what I should do next if I was to change jobs it kind of feels like russian roulette trying to find a company here in Brisbane, Australia that hires good devs to do interesting .NET (or any development work) while paying well and without being a sweat shop.
My question is, where should I branch to if not in .NET? Java seems like the other big area around here but its all enterprise stuff as well. I've done some mobile development in my own time, got a couple of apps on the iOS app store and some Android on the way. One of which uses a NodeJS/MongoDB back end, but I'm not sure there's that many jobs around here for that (iOS/Android development may be a good option, though I do like web dev). I'll be looking to relocate in a few years, but for now, does anyone have any suggestions for what framework/language I should learn next?
To all the people here who said they moved away from .NET due to the kinds of employers and fellow developers that use it, where did you move into and how did that work out for you?
If you're looking for particular non-mainstream framework/langues jobs in Brisbane (Node.js being one of them) you should hang around in the Meetups (MeetupJS). Good place to get noticed and job offers.
Thanks Dekz, I've attended a few different meetups in the past (including JS) but haven't had time this year due to a heavy uni workload, will definitely be heading to the various ones around the place. Unfortunately the .NET one (QMSDNUG) is more geared to hearing about new Microsoft products than improving programming skills, but I'll definitely be getting stuck into some meetups around the place.
I've been working full time as a .NET dev and doing my degree part time for the last 5 years, graduating next month hopefully around the top of my class. I enjoy .NET, particularly ASP.NET MVC, and my current job has let me have full control over the development workflow, I use TDD,Git,MVC,Jquery etc. Looking at what I should do next if I was to change jobs it kind of feels like russian roulette trying to find a company here in Brisbane, Australia that hires good devs to do interesting .NET (or any development work) while paying well and without being a sweat shop.
My question is, where should I branch to if not in .NET? Java seems like the other big area around here but its all enterprise stuff as well. I've done some mobile development in my own time, got a couple of apps on the iOS app store and some Android on the way. One of which uses a NodeJS/MongoDB back end, but I'm not sure there's that many jobs around here for that (iOS/Android development may be a good option, though I do like web dev). I'll be looking to relocate in a few years, but for now, does anyone have any suggestions for what framework/language I should learn next?
To all the people here who said they moved away from .NET due to the kinds of employers and fellow developers that use it, where did you move into and how did that work out for you?