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Ask HN: Logic flow for CDN, Web App and Processing servers
2 points by kvnn on Oct 4, 2011 | hide | past | favorite
I'm building a website that allows user to upload and watch videos. Don't get down in the dumps - we haven't lost another man to another Youtube clone - the content is extremely narrow. And awesome.

There are three servers :

> CDN > Web App > Video Processor

The Web App server transfer user uploads to the CDN. The Video Processor server downloads uploaded videos from the CDN and processes them - spitting out multiple video types, thumbnails, and some meta data.

From here, the Video Processor server must do two things : (1) Upload the new data to the CDN (solved), and (2) Push references to the CDN data in the Web App's database (problem).

PROBLEM : How should the Video Processor server get data about CDN files (video urls, titles, etc) to the Web App?

SOLUTION A : Save the processed video data in a txt file, upload to Web App server when finished, and set the Web App server to import the txt files into a database on regular intervals.

How good is Solution A? Do you have better?

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