> Why? US, French, British military equipment is hot now, nobody buys from Russians anymore as we all see how great is their stuff.
Oil, for one. Which has knock-on effects for the transportation of just about every other product out there. Then there's the natural gas that Germany is dependent on, and Germany is a major manufacturer / exporter.
> what actually people were buying from Russia except oil and gas?
Oh, so we have to worry only about the global consequences of oil and gas prices. Is that all? Only oil and gas.
"Russia-Ukraine war sends wheat futures to 14-year high"
* https://globalnews.ca/news/8663571/russia-ukraine-war-wheat-...
"Forget Oil. Putin’s War Is Wrecking the Wheat Market."
* https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/02/russia-war-wheat-econom...
"The importance of Ukraine and the Russian Federation for global agricultural markets and the risks associated with the current conflict"
* https://www.fao.org/3/cb9013en/cb9013en.pdf
May not be a big deal for rich people / countries, but other places may not be as fortunate and that could lead to turmoil:
"Nigeria’s need for wheat is rising—and so is the price"
* https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nigeria-wheat-rising-price-14...
> Why? US, French, British military equipment is hot now, nobody buys from Russians anymore as we all see how great is their stuff.
Oil, for one. Which has knock-on effects for the transportation of just about every other product out there. Then there's the natural gas that Germany is dependent on, and Germany is a major manufacturer / exporter.
> what actually people were buying from Russia except oil and gas?
Oh, so we have to worry only about the global consequences of oil and gas prices. Is that all? Only oil and gas.