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> All standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2023, and 360 Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits on October 1, 2023. After that, you’ll be able to access your previously processed data in Universal Analytics for at least six months.

That seems to be what they're doing?

This is a forced upgrade to a new version of Google Analytics, not a discontinuation. Still the same product and no data will be lost.

I am a Google Analytics consultant. Let me make this very clear: There are different products and everything will be lost.

This is not an "upgrade." This is "replace product with a different product in the same space." Old GA data is incompatible with GA4 data, and there is no way to bring data from one into the other. Google is discontinuing Google Analytics, and applying the Google Analytics brand to Firebase Analytics.

Nothing carries over. Configuration, implementation, goals, user permissions, historical data, nothing. It all has to be re-built from scratch.

Seriously? They're shutting down Google Analytics? Deleting all data six months later? The replacement is a completely different product with the same name but no migration path, and wasn't even the default option less than two years ago?

The Google deprecation team has really outdone themselves this time. I really would have thought they'd deprecate Gmail before Google Analytics! I've got to imagine there are legal reasons behind this, because no product team could sincerely believe that this is a good idea for the product, right?

> Seriously? They're shutting down Google Analytics? Deleting all data six months later? The replacement is a completely different product with the same name but no migration path, and wasn't even the default option less than two years ago?

Yes. That's what the original post and the entire discussion here is about.

This seems really primed to get people to ask "if we are rebuilding it anyways why not consider other analytics servies"

I imagine you'll hear a lot of that in the near future

Same; we have been doing a lot with it. The GA4 way of working is a big shift for some properties, for sure. Good time to be working!

I'm confused, you say that no data will be lost, then someone replies to you and says all data will be lost, and then you agree with them? What am I missing.

He’s talking about the setup work to use 4. I’m sure he’s running them in tandem right now.

How are you reading "All standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits" as "everything will keep working fine" and "you’ll be able to access your previously processed data [for six months]" as a guarantee no data will be lost?

Because everyone's going to update their properties so analytics keep working. It's not like when a new chat product comes out and splinters your contacts into multiple chat products.

It's like when, e.g., Heroku sends me an email saying I need to move apps off of a stack they're retiring. They're not killing off my app; I just need to run the command or agree to a maintenance window so it keeps working after a certain date. If I for whatever reason refuse to do anything, I can't seriously claim they're shutting me down. Especially with a long notice period.


"Doing so will allow you to build the necessary historical data and usage in the new experience, preparing you for continuity once Universal Analytics is no longer available."

That doesn't seem to indicate your old data comes with.

Ah, right. Yes, you're expected to run both side by side for a couple years so they both populate.

Good luck with that, considering the sunset date is next year.

This has been coming for a couple years already. I agree there are some organizations that probably didn't take GA4 seriously until this week, but I don't know how many of them were really delving into their historical analytics to begin with.

Anyway, I don't mean to take away from your moment to hate on Google. :) It's just not a classic Google discontinuation like when they eventually shut down Stadia or whatever.

I agree the writing has been on the wall, but this is the first official announcement, no?

The first announcement of the date. We all knew it was coming; I figured it would be many years in the future. I still think so, actually... I think Google is bluffing, because nobody is taking up GA4. Some are implementing it, in tandem with UA, but very few are using it.

Nobody wants to move to GA4. It has nothing UA doesn't, and UA has lots of features GA4 doesn't. If they're sunsetting UA next year, there's no way it'll have improved enough by then to be a fully functioning replacement. It has a cleaner structure than UA, because it's dropping a decade of cruft, but that doesn't really help when it just doesn't do as much.

The people that are moving to GA4 are running both UA and GA4 in parallel, so that they'll have a history set when UA shuts off. Those are companies that are paying attention. I would be surprised, by the 2023 date, if even 25% of the UA installations have switched to GA4. (Of course, all the larger companies will have.)

Side note... I looked into Shopify a month or two back. They have a drop in UA implementation that is almost as easy as clicking on a checkbox. Not only do they not have a wizard for implementing GA4, they say it's not even possible for you to add manually. No due date was given. A lot of sites have UA built in as the assumed forever default.

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