Correction: the VT100's characters in 80-column mode were 10×10, which is 800×250 pixels, or 0.2 megapixels, not so 640×250 as I said. That's 4% more than two of these 400×240 panels together. That said, the X-Windows 5x8 font is reasonably readable, and the 6x10 font is perfectly fine. 4×6, as xterm -fn -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--6-60-75-75-c-40-iso646.1991-irv, leaves a lot to be desired.
However, videos of the display hardware like show that you can get really astonishing things out of 0.1 megapixels when you drive it with current levels of computation instead of, like, an 8085. (That video is a little misleading in that it claims "60 fps animation", while the datasheet claims the max is 20 fps.)
However, videos of the display hardware like show that you can get really astonishing things out of 0.1 megapixels when you drive it with current levels of computation instead of, like, an 8085. (That video is a little misleading in that it claims "60 fps animation", while the datasheet claims the max is 20 fps.)