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Co-founder here. MobileWorks is a YCS11 company. I can check in from time-to-time to answer any questions HN'ers might have.

From your experience are there any new types of tasks you see on the horizon other than just the standard photo tagging, text recognition, etc?

Absolutely! The future potential of crowds lies in real-time applications, and we're seeing these emerge with increasing frequency.

Embedding intelligence in software applications is a powerful concept. We can build applications that understand our intentions in natural language, that talk to us, and that amplify our ability to do work in new and powerful ways.

Putting cheap human intelligence into software lets us realize the vision laid out for AI systems fifty years ago.

Adding to what anandkulkarni said, some people have proposed very innovative applications on top of the MobileWorks. Applications such as spam-filtering, object recognition etc. can revolutionize what is possible using software.

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