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Have fun missing out on M1. Mac OS Monterey looks fine to me especially on dark mode. What ui element you use often is neon pastel colored exactly besides the window controls and the loading cursor? (Which we’re almost always colorful)

Oh no! I'm going to miss out on a processor which is faster than some other processor under certain workloads! Please say it ain't so! Oh god what ever will I do with this x86-based Mac? I guess I'll throw it out for fear of missing out on... something...

Nothing else competes for power:performance ratio. Furthermore only M1s can score 300+ on browserbench. I bet the M1 Ultra will score in the 350-400 range, while Windows PCs can barely peak 220. This is because M1s have AI cores designed specially optimized for web browsing instructions. Browsing the internet simply feels 30% smoother on my M1 than it does on any x86 PC (I use chrome-dev --args --enable-features=CanvasOopRasterization --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough on both OS's) So if you do browser heavy workloads and web app programming like I do nothing else competes.

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