So I just got my hands on a couple of Picos. I was so excited to find a RPi board in stock, that I forgot to check if it has WiFi or not. I would like to run some form of OpenSprinkler on that (even if not OpenSprinkler, I can use cron jobs to control the sprinkler relays by hand).
I don't think you understood what you were buying. The Pico has no relation to the rest if the RPi product line.
It is basically an Arduino on steroids. It cannot run cron jobs. It has no network stack, kernel or operating system, and cannot run any software not specifically written for it.
I guess the RPi Zero W would suit your needs a lot better, and it seems to be in stock in some shops. The Pico doesn't run Linux so cron jobs aren't possible.
Any tips on how to get WiFi working on Pico?