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Walgreens has always tried to harvest every single penny they could squeeze from their customers, mainly by selling the customers PII to anyone and everyone, so this is no big surprise to me.

It reminds me of the obnoxious talking gas pumps that play ads while you’re filling your car.

At first there used to be a “mute” button to where you could silence the crap and all the plastic was worn away from everyone mashing it trying to shut it up.

Now I no longer see any option to mute the ads.

I hate ads with a passion and won’t allow them to run on my devices. Mainly for security and privacy but the aggravation they cause is palpable.

Whenever I work on someone else’s computer and open a web browser I am in shock that people can even concentrate with all the garbage on the screen.

The amusing part is that most gas stations have signs asking you to stay with your vehicles whilst they're filling.

Given that being in the car is not the best place to be, I tend to walk 40ft away to get away from the insanely loud adverts.

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