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I'm not a musician, so this is just my understanding of the changes as a programmer and after trial and error.

The '<<' and '>>' are bit-wise shift operators[1].

The '>>' is a right-shift which is equivalent to dividing by a factor of two. e.g. t>>n == t/(2^n) This can be used to generate a beat.

The '<<' is a left-shift which is equivalent to multiplying by a factor of two. e.g. t<<n == t[asterisk](2^n) This tends to shift the pitch

The modulo operator[2], '%', has very little effect, in combinations it can generate a looping set of ranged variance, which is particularly pronounced when combined with a division operator to create clear stepping. It monotonically increases to n, and then falls back to 0 and starts increasing again. e.g. t[asterisk](t%16/64) This increases through 16 phases, holding for 4 periods.

Addition, '+', and subtraction, '-' haven't been very useful for me except when using sin(t) or cos(t) which oscillate between -1 and 1 resulting in some interesting changes to the beat. e.g.t>>4+cos(t) is shifting between t>>3 and t>>5.

The AND '&', OR '|', a short circuiting OR, '||' come in during composition. Plain OR tends to generate better results, but that's trial and error talking. Honestly, too tired to think about this.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation#Logical_Shift [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic

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