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I agree, and I hunt. I get good meat and at a low cost. The animal lives a good life, free to do as it pleases, gets a chance to reproduce, and gets a chance to escape/avoid. If I do succeed it's over very quickly. No stressful trip to a slaughter house, no CAFO, etc. It can also help avoid over population of specific species and associated issues like car accidents (although in many cases it's an imprudent driver).

I would love to have higher quality, better treated meat than what's normally available in the grocery store. In some cases it's possible to get it at a local farm. Pork is tough to find that way. Chicken can be tough to find at a good price. Beef is actually pretty common and a fairly decent price. Although as a side note, they still have to endure the trip to the slaughter house to be USDA inspected.

As far as I can tell (not a hunter myself), getting shot through center mass seems like one of those least miserable ways that an animal can die in the wild. Starvation, disease, or being torn apart by a coyote all seem like worse and slower deaths.

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