I use a zoom h6n - which records to an SD card - so I can separate the stereo left and right into their own mono recordings then recombine on the back end (this allows me to use the XLR ports instead of 1/8” stereo port for better fidelity). This isn’t strictly necessary, just make sure you’re getting the stereo audio and not combining it into a mono track (unless of course it’s not stereo vinyl).
A computer is totally fine. You should be able to do it through the headphone port if you have one (I’d be surprised if you didn’t). It just all depends on what output options your turntable has. My technics 1200 mk II are RCA out so I go turntable -> left RCA right RCA adapted to their own XLR -> zoom h6.
A computer is totally fine. You should be able to do it through the headphone port if you have one (I’d be surprised if you didn’t). It just all depends on what output options your turntable has. My technics 1200 mk II are RCA out so I go turntable -> left RCA right RCA adapted to their own XLR -> zoom h6.