May history judge the West harshly and these actions be a reminder to it that it has zero moral credibility to project upon the world.
Also if you have any Russian acquaintances, now would be the time to make sure your attic is in good shape because we are a very short step from the Stop Putin Camps being deployed.
There's an astonishing number of people that are backing these decisions, if social media is any indication. It's truly unbelievable. I mean, we're attacking people of Russian heritage. Whenever similar things happen with other races or cultures we bend over backwards to ensure the opposite is occurring: do not stereotype. These are strange times.
It looks like if someone somewhere with a lot of power is pushing for escalation and preparing masses to support, or fight, a large war.
I believe this is most likely just a bluff, and that this super power does not really intend to fuel a long and large war in Europe just for the sake of dividing Russia just for the sake of isolating China.