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When it's time for me to upgrade I'll go with one of the framework machines. [0] It's fully customizable, with room for future upgrades. I've been looking into a Dell machine for a while, but they just seem to have too many issues.

For what it's worth, I'm currently using an m1 macbook, and the battery life is absolutely incredible.

[0] https://frame.work/

I have an M1 mac for work and I am seriously impressed with the battery life. I prefer my asus laptop that I loaded ubuntu on for my daily driver (gaming, coding, fun), but man, I can leave my work machine unplugged all day while running the work VPN, firefox & chrome, remote desktop, vscode, slack and mattermost, and finish out the day with above 70% battery. I wasn't planning to like this laptop but I do.

I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately, I have run into odd compatibility issues when trying to compile and run a handful of Rust projects that are generally meant for x86 platforms. That issue and macOS prevents me from adopting the m1 as my daily driver.

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