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This is anecdata. I know many Russians and zero of them approve of the current war. This includes the Russians living in Donetsk who had a lot of anger towards the Ukraininan government previously.

Its fascinating I'm following @666_mancer on Twitter and posts a lot of Social Media from Russia about soldier deaths. Extraordinary we can look at this stuff. Most of the comments are supportive (though seem cleaned up) https://vk.com/wall513235930_163856 https://vk.com/wall-18384194_684 https://vk.com/wall183637217_137

If you go on Russian social media sites, there's an interesting phenomenon of many of them obviously disliking Putin while buying his propaganda wholesale about the West and Ukraine's Nazi government

I feel like this comment kinda describes the west perfectly too.

You can go this recent thread about blocking Instagram/Meta and read how they call west "nazi" https://habr.com/ru/news/t/655229/comments

> This includes the Russians living in Donetsk who had a lot of anger towards the Ukraininan government

Got you fam. Take your 15 rubles.

I removed my account and my postings from habr at the start of the war by writing to its support.

Many habr users did the same, because the company behind habr chose not to speak up and decided to censor the site to avoid any mention of war.

At the same time, habr seems to suffer from increased activity of kremlinbots.

So what you see there are remnants of a once sprawling community.

Habr is irrelevant now.

While I won't argue that many Russians are indeed nationalistic and pro-Putin, that thread shows the opposite. All anti-war comments are upvoted, anti-west downvoted. Some comments are sarcasm/irony, maybe it was lost in translation.

There's like right now 50/50. So from topic to topic pro-war comments can be more upvoted. Personally I left this comment https://habr.com/ru/news/t/655229/comments/#comment_24156299

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