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DAE not have any issues with non-Unity Ubuntu? Hell even in 11.10 they seem to have fixed the critical Unity/compiz invis-window bug. Minus window behaviors that people aren't used to and the knee jerk reaction to the unity-launcher (learn the shortcuts, it's fast to use!) I have nothing but pleasant experiences. I've found actually gnome-shell to be pleasantly minimal and usable too.

That all having been said, it's really, really hard to beat the simplicity of Cardapio and Docky[1]. I feel very comfortable here.

Now, if we could just fix the font debacle that is Linux. [2]

[1] Caradpio+docky http://i.minus.com/iA94EsbEeR2fz.png

[2] Note how the menus are different here in each application. http://i.imgur.com/ER4pR.png (Firefox, native gnome-terminal, qt VLC)

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