I have a Raspberry Pi with OSMC where I installed the plugins for several online services. My friends hate my setup. Sure, you can watch anything you want if you know what you want to watch, but it sucks for browsing the catalogues to see what's available. I also get interrupted once a month when a new Widevine version is released, which takes ~10min to download and install.
And then there's the language issue: if the movie/series is not in a language I speak I need to spend 10-20 minutes hunting for subtitles. That means: download a subtitle, check that the starting time matches (or tweak it manually), skip ahead to ensure that they remain in sync (good luck not getting spoiled while, simultaneously, checking that the subtitles make sense with what's happening on screen), moving everything to the right directory...
All of this is second nature to me so I'm not bothered, but I can totally understand paying a fee for a single-click interface.