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"ubuntu" tells me the location of the countdown and not much more. It doesn't tell me what is going to happen in this new release, why they're making a fuss, why I should care.

> It doesn't tell me what is going to happen in this new release

Even without any other information about it, it's safe to assume new and current versions of everything.

> why they're making a fuss

Because they are launching a new version in 9 days.

> why I should care.

That's one question only you can possibly answer.

Hi, try to keep your replies meaningful to the conversation. k?

I am not sure how Dylan16807 did his/her search, but when I do, I get a nice grouped response with 7 items from the ubuntu.com site. Searching for "ubuntu" doesn't take me to a specific oneiric feature-list, but, I imagine, it's not that hard to get it. Apart from that, every 6 months Ubuntu launches a new release and hasn't failed even once to provide newer versions of more or less the same packages present in its last incarnation.

New versions? Good, I like those. But I expect those. An on-schedule biannual release is not worth an actual fuss, even if it's only a week away.

This site is a big dollop of hype. Should I expect anything to back it up?

It's cute of you to link that as if it gives a reason for the hype. Just the same list of incremental package updates. Oh, also multiarch is architected better, a nonvisible change to the backend.

Or are you actually answering 'no' and I'm too dense to pick it up?

The hype may be directed to non-Ubuntu users. For them, moving to Ubuntu is a completely different world. For most of them, a much better one.

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