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Guess what! You agree with Ted then. One of the big problems he mentions is the apparently simplicity of an event driven app.

"Because nothing blocks, less-than-expert programmers are able to develop fast systems."

That's bit he has a problem with. From your post:

"If a programmer doesn't know how his tools work well enough to foresee any potential gotchas and take steps to avoid them, that's a fault in the programmer rather than the tools."

Both of you are saying that a programmer needs to know his tools well. Ted says that Node.js doesn't encourage people to understand the limitations of an event driven framework well enough.

All you good programmers out there: Keep using Node.js. It is a great tool and does things well. But don't pretend that it's the snake oil to make everything faster. The design decisions YOU make have the most impact on the speed of your application.

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