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Ok, so here's a question I've had for a while. I was wondering if I should do a Ask HN for it, but I'll ask it here for now.

What do you do when offered money for a slightly profitable service that has a small but loyal customer base ? This is in the event that your service will be shut down after acquisition. The math points to taking the deal but it doesn't seem a very nice thing (to me at least) to pull the rug on your customers.

Has anyone had to face decisions of this sort or known someone who has had to ? How did you/they go about it ?

It is a personal question: which is more important to you? Keeping the loyal customers happy or the thrill or the exit, the money, etc.

The important thing to remember is that there is no right answer. This is real life, you aren't required nor expected to be altruistic, but you can be if you'd like.

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